Contact PCI

Answers to the most common questions about working with PCI and the technology transfer process.

Innovator’s Help Desk

If you do not find the answer to your question below, feel free to email us at or call 215-7-INVENT.

For faculty members with a Technology Licensing Officer (TLO) assigned to assist them, we strongly recommend that the faculty first contact their designated TLO.


How do I identify my assigned Technology Licensing Officer?

Contact the Director responsible for the following schools:

PSOM:  Kultaran Chohan, 215-746-4275

SEAS, SAS, Stuart Weitzman School of Design, or Wharton: Terry Bray, (215)-746-4020

SDM, SON, SOVM, Graduate School of Education, Law School, Social Policy & Practice, or Annenberg School of Communication: Melissa Kelly, (215) 898-9877

Research or service agreements with a for-profit company (except human clinical trials, which are managed by CTCU) that have been submitted to PennERA or RIS (in the case of service agreements):

Contact your assigned negotiator in PennERA or RIS (for services agreements). If you do not know who has been assigned to negotiate the agreement, please contact

Please note, If the funded agreement is a subaward under a federal grant awarded to a for-profit entity (e.g. SBIR or STTR), then inquiries should be directed to ORS.

Proposed research or service agreements with a for-profit company (except human clinical trials, which are managed by CTCU):

Contact your assigned TLO. If unknown, contact the Director responsible for the school to which you are affiliated.

Faculty forming a new venture/company, or from investors interested in financing a company based on Penn technology:

Contact the Director of PCI Ventures, Michael Poisel.  (215) 573-8196

Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA) where information is being supplied or provided with to a for-profit company (except if it relates to a human clinical study, which are managed by CTCU):

If a request has been submitted (either through RIS or your TLO), please contact your assigned negotiator.

If you do not know who has been assigned to negotiate the agreement, please contact

For new inquiries, please contact your assigned TLO. If unknown, contact the Director responsible for the school to which you are affiliated.

If the CDA is related to human clinical research, please contact CTCU. If the CDA is related to a non-profit (e.g. foundation or an academic institution) or a grant application, please contact ORS.

All proposed non-monetary agreements (including Material Transfer Agreements and Data Use Agreements) with a for-profit company (except human clinical trials, which are managed by CTCU):

Corporate outreach activities

Contact Steven Weiner, SM, Esq., 215-573-3960

Did not find the answer to your question?

Email us at or call 215-7-INVENT

Our Office

Call our Help Line: (215) 7IN-VENT
8:30am – 5pm Monday to Friday

3600 Civic Center Boulevard, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Google Maps Directions

Working with PCI

Email for:

Sponsoring Research

Penn welcomes industry partners who wish to work with the University to sponsor mutually beneficial collaborative research conducted by Penn scientists. Whether you are a Penn licensee and seek to work with Penn to pursue the next phase of discovery on the project, wish to work with a Penn researcher to confirm and advance a current development, or hope to explore completely new opportunities, PCI is here to help you achieve your research goals.  PCI has streamlined the agreement process by co-locating our contracting and intellectual property staff to review, negotiate, execute and manage sponsored research contracts.

Confidential Disclosure Agreements:

PCI staff understand that companies may need to share confidential information with Penn researchers and vice versa.  Our staff can provide and negotiate CDAs to protect incoming or outgoing information as needed to facilitate partnership discussions.

Service Agreements

Industry partners seeking access to university core facilities or scientific expertise can subcontract research and development projects to scientists at Penn.  Within PCI, the Corporate Contracts group manages the initiation, negotiation, and execution of these agreements.

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PCI Ventures Office Hours with Bhavana Mohanraj (Virtual)

March 26 @ 9:00 am

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Deans’ Distinguished Visiting Professorship Seminar: Dr. Troy Olsson, PhD

March 26 @ 12:00 pm

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Women in STEM ~ Pathways for Women in STEM: Exploring Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship

March 26 @ 12:00 pm

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