Short Description: A biocompatible piezoelectric nanomaterial that is the key to making convenient and accurate continuous monitoring bio-medical devices. In our case, we are currently investigating using our device for a neurological application relating to hydrocephalus by incorporating a more dynamic pressure sensor in ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts.
Lessons Learned: I-CORP emphasized the value of embracing pivots and the importance of continuous learning, even in the face of overwhelming information. Despite our team’s limited medical knowledge, we engaged in interviews with expert medical professionals, requiring us to foster curiosity and accept the possibility of being wrong as part of the learning process.
Names and Affiliation of Team members:
Diamantoula (Amanda) Giannopoulos, Undergraduate Studying Electrical Engineering and Physics, University of Pennsylvania
Madina Sabitqyzy, Undergraduate Studying Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Edward Myers, Undergraduate Studying Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Srikrishna Chakravarthi, Undergraduate Studying Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Yihan Xie, Undergraduate Studying Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania