
Short Description: Developing a device to improve the efficacy of immediate postplacental intrauterine device (PP IUD) by reducing the risk of expulsion and malposition that leads to unintended pregnancies, associated costs, and adverse outcomes.

Lessons Learned: (1) Hospitals will be critical in the uptake of ppIUD/IUDINE. (2) Community hospitals have different goals than academic hospitals and may not offer ppIUD, (3) nexplanon or sterilization after delivery driven by reimbursement. (4) Not all providers mention all contraception choices to everyone, and (5) timing of counseling is very variable. Some offices are better equipped to deal with ppIUD complications than others.

Names and Affiliation of Team members: 

Eileen Y. Wang, MD, Principal Project Investigator, Director of Obstetrical Simulation, Professor of Clinical OBGYN, University of Pennsylvania

Gabriel A. Arenas, MD, Co-investigator & Advisor, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellow, University of Pennsylvania

Jessica Chen, MD, Co-investigator & Advisor, OBGYN Resident, University of Pennsylvania

Yining(Nick) Guo, Bioengineering Masters Student, University of Pennsylvania