Penn Today Highlights How Penn Research Powers Numerous FDA-approved Treatments

From FDA-approved CAR-T treatments to mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, the list of Penn-linked FDA approvals continues to grow with each passing year. The Penn Today article attributes this success, in significant part, to Penn’s robust clinical trial and commercialization infrastructure, which facilitates every part of the process from idea to implementation. To ensure that these treatments reach a highly diverse population of patients in need, Penn Medicine teams have also kept focus on equity and access during clinical trials and after the therapies are approved by the FDA. 

Abramson Cancer Center (ACC) Director Robert Vonderheide, MD, DPhil went on to explain that there is also a strategic emphasis on translational research and eliminating barriers between laboratories and the clinic, which has further led to Penn’s drug development successes. “Even our building design reflects that value. If you stand in the lobby of the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, you’re within 100 yards of the labs where discoveries are being made, the clinics where clinicians are designing clinical trials and patients are getting therapies, and the offices where executives are working out financial models,” Vonderheide said in the article. “We’re a unified, integrated system committed to making science real for patients.”

Read the full article in Penn Today here