What’s hot with VC investors: Lessons from the commercialization speaker series with Barbara Schilberg

PCI and Penn Medicine were pleased to have Barbara Schilberg of BioAdvance kick off the 2019 fall lunchtime speaker series.  Barbara has more than 30 years of experience working with academic technologies and start-up companies in the life sciences sector.

Barbara Schilberg
Barbara Schilberg

Her topic, What’s Hot with VC Investors, attracted one of the largest audiences to a PCI speaker series event. Along with explaining how the VC industry works, Barbara discussed the current trends, the healthcare sector and Philadelphia’s role in the VC space.

Key Takeaways:

  • US Venture capital at record levels
  • There is an increase in large mega-funds and venture funds with more diversity of investors
  • Capital tends to be concentrated geographically and in fewer companies
  • VC interest follows big pharma’s interest

Download presentation here (PDF)

The next lunchtime speaker is Dr. Kathryn Doyle who will discuss the Latest IP Trends for Life Sciences.  Register here.

Barbara Schilberg speaking at the Fall Lunchtime Speaker Event