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Category: Penn in the News

Penn Alumni Magazine Recognizes PCI’s Successes Over the Past Decade

PCI and its successful efforts to support Penn's research and innovation over the past decade were highlighted in the Summer issue of the Penn Gazette.

Penn Appoints its First Chief Innovation Officer 

In an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer, Swartley explains how in his new role he is hoping to develop a more complete understanding of the broader “definition of what innovation is at Penn."

Penn Ranks Number 15 on Report of Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted U.S. Utility Patents in 2021

The National Academy of Inventors & the Intellectual Property Owners Association ranked Penn in the Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted U.S. Utility Patents in 2021.

Penn Ranks in Top Ten for Research in 2022 National University Rankings

This year, the University of Pennsylvania ranked particularly high in the research category, coming in at number two, second only to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Carl June Discusses Applications of CAR-T Cell Therapy in Science Friday Interview

In this Science Friday interview, Dr. Carl June discusses CAR-T's continued use in battling new blood cancers, as well as its future potential for treating solid state cancers and autoimmune diseases.

Penn Featured in New Promotional Reel of Philadelphia Region’s Cell and Gene Therapy Family Tree

A new 90-second video animation created by the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia’s CEO Council for Growth shows the Philadelphia region's gene and cell therapy family tree.

The Future of Research-Based Innovation Hubs with the Rise of Remote Work

John Swartley and Bhavana Mohanraj discuss how working remotely will impact research and innovation hubs.

Five Years of Data Show Long-term Promise for Penn and Novartis’ Car-T Pioneer Kymriah

Five years after Penn and Novartis made history with the FDA approval of Kymriah, a recent study shows the long-term impact of the medication on patient remission rates. 

Penn Partners with PaxeraHealth to Build AI Algorithms for Ultrasound Research

The collaboration between Penn and PaxeraHealth will concentrate on developing imaging algorithms to detect liver cancer in addition to covid detection via lung ultrasounds.

Penn to Use Covid-19 Vaccine Royalties to Fund Further Scientific and Medical Research

Covid-19 vaccine royalties from Karikó and Weissman's research are being re-invested into Penn’s research portfolio to support further discovery of life-saving therapies and technologies.
