Success Story

Freddie Mac partners with Wharton faculty to understand regulations on housing affordability

Wharton Professor Susan M. Wachter, the Albert Sussman Professor of Real Estate at the Wharton School and a national expert on housing policy and real estate, is working with Freddie Mac to address the nation’s worsening crisis of housing affordability, particularly for low to moderate income households. Affordable housing is particularly lacking in cities with rapid job growth and strict land use regulations, as well as impacts due to the coronavirus and racial inequalities in the housing system. To help address this crisis Dr. Wachter and her team will work in close partnership with Freddie Mac to research, develop, maintain and host the National Land Use Regulatory Index to better:

  1. Detect the impact of regulation on housing costs, 
  2. Identify potential solutions to increase access to affordable housing for all, and
  3. Connect pro-affordability land use zoning with quality outcomes on the ground.
Susan M. Wachter