Success Story

Penn Engineering Lab develops next-generation drug delivery technologies

PCI is actively supporting the Penn Engineering research program of Mike Mitchell, PhD, the J. Peter and Geri Skirkanich Professor of Innovation in the Department of Bioengineering, who leads a lab focused on the interface of biomaterials science, drug delivery, and cellular and molecular bioengineering to target and overcome biological barriers.  Current lab projects include the development of next-generation lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for the delivery of mRNA, siRNA, and gene editing therapeutics. Dr. Mitchell’s laboratory has numerous ongoing research partnerships facilitated by PCI to support new therapeutic solutions with several commercial entities.  

To highlight a recent example, iECURE, an in vivo gene editing company with a focus on curing severe liver diseases, entered into an exclusive arrangement with Penn to develop next-generation lipid nanoparticles (LNP) for liver gene editing applications in collaboration with  Dr. Mitchell’s laboratory.  The arrangement was made possible through active collaboration between the Mitchell Laboratory and James Wilson, MD, PhD, Director, Gene Therapy Program (“GTP”), Rose H. Weiss Professor and Director, Orphan Disease Center, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Penn Medicine, and represents a further expansion of the existing partnership between GTP and iECURE.