Success Story

Spinout Stories: Quantitative Radiology Solutions

This spring, we’ll be highlighting a few of the impressive companies that have spun out from research or technologies invented at the University of Pennsylvania.  These companies formed using the programs of PCI Ventures, and their team of experts in the field of company formation, staff recruitment, and corporate fundraising.

QRS Logo

Quantitative Radiology Solutions

QRS was originally founded by Jayaram K. Udupa, Ph.D., and Drew A. Torigian, M.D. of the radiology department of Penn Medicine. While at Penn, they developed an innovative technology that would allow for advanced body-wide analysis of medical imagery for clinical and research purposes.

QRS’ Automatic Anatomy Recognition software (AAR) reduces the time needed for recognition, delineation and identification of anatomical objects and diseased tissue to 15 minutes on MRI, CT, and PET/CT imaging. The technology:

  • Builds models: AAR employs fuzzy anatomy models of all major objects in a body region, built from patient populations.
  • Recognizes and delineates differences in the anatomy: The hierarchical image analysis categorizes and enhance the models and then delineates anatomical structures in a given image.

The technology filed for patent protection in ____ and QRS began their partnership with PCI Ventures  in _____ to launch their company using the UPStart program.

Making the Most of UPStart

The PCI Ventures UPStart program provides a wide array of services to assist entrepreneurial faculty members in the company formation and development process. It offers Penn faculty and staff members hands-on support to launch and grow companies based on their promising technologies.  With the support of UPStart, QRS found a fantastic board of advisers, and their new CEO and Chief Technology Officer: Joe Camaratta and Steve Owens.  ANYTHING ELSE?

What is the Future of QRS?

Recently, QRS launched a multi-center clinical evaluation of its AAR software for radiation treatment planning and has received its initial patient studies from the New York Proton Center in New York City.

They are also looking financing. ANYTHING ELSE?

For more on Quantitative Radiology Solutions, visit them at: