Stories and articles featuring PCI, our partners, and Penn-affiliated spinout companies
Stories and articles featuring PCI, our partners, and Penn-affiliated spinout companies
PCI Fellows get exposure to a wide range of emerging technologies and commercialization opportunities in the life sciences, physical sciences, nanotechnology, and beyond.
Twelve fellows were admitted to the 2022/2023 cohort out of a large application pool. We also have three returning Sr. fellows from last year.
The University of Pennsylvania led the region with 490 NCI grants totaling $234 million during this three year time period.
Learn about the cohort of local startups participating in the fifth annual Pennovation Accelerator.
Startup Genome described Philly as "a vibrant Life Science hub and a particularly attractive home base for female entrepreneurs."
The Penn community gathered on College Green to welcome the new president.
In a proof-of-concept study, a robotic microswarm of nanoparticles, arranged in bristle-like structures, effectively cleaned plaque and decay-causing bacteria from both mock and human teeth.
During the 2022 fiscal year, there were 98 press mentions for PCI programs, startups and partners. Some of the most popular and widely circulated stories are included here.
PCIV startup Peroxitech Inc. announced the successful completion of a $25M Series A financing for treatment of acute lung injury (ALI) into clinical development.
Mike Mitchell's lab has numerous ongoing research partnerships to support new therapeutic solutions with commercial entities that were facilitated by PCI.