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Category: Penn Engineering

Tech of the Month: Penn Faculty Invent Superlattices of Atomically Thin Materials with Strong Light Absorption for Next-Generation Optical Devices

A team of researchers led by Dr. Deep Jariwala recently developed superlattices that offer controllable thickness, device-scale lateral size, and strong light absorption.

Former Fellow Dr. Rosa María Álvarez, PhD Guest Speaks for PCI Fellows Program

Rosa's experience working in the lab and participating in the PCI Fellows program at Penn helped her gain valuable experience for her career at Deloitte.

School of Dental Medicine and School of Engineering and Applied Science Develop Hands-Free System to Brush and Floss Teeth Using Microrobots

In a proof-of-concept study, microrobots effectively cleaned plaque and decay-causing bacteria from both mock and human teeth. 

Penn Engineering Professor Linh Thi Xuan Phan Joins NSF Project on Cyber-Physical Systems for Transportation Technology

A major goal of this research is to help self-driving cars and other autonomous transportation systems achieve increased efficiency and performance, as well as better safety guarantees.

Penn Engineering Graduates Develop a Device to Reduce Ocean Microplastic Pollution

Read about how May graduates won the 2022 President's Sustainability Prize for their device that reduces microplastic pollution.

ExynAI has been shortlisted as a finalist for a SXSW Innovation Award

For the 2022 category of Robotics and Hardware. The Exyn team will be going to Austin for the awards.

iECURE partners to develop next-generation liver-targeted lipid nanoparticles with Penn

iECURE announced that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with Penn to develop next-generation lipid nanoparticles (LNP) for liver gene editing applications.

Celebration of Innovation 2021 Recap and Recording

The event honors the patent recipients from the previous fiscal year, as well as, those partners, inventors, and startups that made exceptional achievements.

Applications now being accepted for the President’s Innovation Prize

Unique to both Penn and across higher education, the Prize underscores the University’s considerable commitment to encouraging students to put their knowledge to work for the betterment of humankind.

I-Corps graduate, Strella Biotechnology, featured in Washington Post story

A featured story on Katherine Sizov, founder of Strella Biotechnology, and how the company's sensors are reducing food waste and fighting climate change.


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