Success Stories

Highlights of the PCI news focused on Penn commercialization accomplishments

BioNTech reports promising data on mRNA cocktail in mouse models of colon cancer and melanoma

A BioNTech-led team designed a cocktail of mRNAs that instruct cells to produce four cancer-fighting molecules.

Penn scientists win $3 million Breakthrough Prize for RNA research that enabled COVID-19 vaccines

Sixteen years after their research at Penn paved the way for billions to be vaccinated against COVID-19, two scientists from Penn have been honored with the Breakthrough Prize.

Penn to play key role in the inaugural NSF Mid-Atlantic I-Corps Hub to advance entrepreneurship and technology commercialization training

PCI is proud to announce that Penn is one of the schools chosen to participate in the National Science Foundation’s new innovative I-Corps Hub initiative.

Pennovation Accelerator’s 2021 Pitch Day

In August 2021, the Pennovation Accelerator, an annual six week program that teaches local startups about business development, named two winners for its Pitch Day event.

Penn mRNA researchers Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó awarded the 2021 Albany Prize

The award, one of the largest in medicine and science in the U.S., has been given for the last 20 years by Albany Medical Center to those who have altered and positively impacted the course

COVID-19 mRNA vaccine that uses fundamental Penn technology receives FDA approval

The U.S. FDA has given the first full approval to a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, which uses modified mRNA technology invented and developed by scientists at Penn.

PCI and Pennovation Center sponsor Philly Tech Week and PACT Capital Conference

Along with the Penn Emerging Startup pitch session, PCI and the Pennovation Center sponsored Philly Tech Week with financial and marketing support.
