Cleantech innovation for CO2 capture moves forward through Heirloom Carbon Technologies

PCI, along with Columbia University and the University of British Columbia, recently completed a license agreement with Heirloom Carbon Technologies.

IBA partners with Penn Medicine to develop flash therapy

IBA Worldwide, a technology company that develops particle accelerator technology, partnered with a team of faculty from Radiation Oncology at Penn Medicine led by Dr. James Metz.

Jiren Narendra Parikh

Jiren’s career spanned over 30 years as an entrepreneur, C-level and Senior Executive and included founding, scaling and supporting technology businesses.

Vivodyne named #1  “Small but Mighty” Company

Launched in 2021, Vivodyne’s platform allows fully automated, complex studies at a far larger scale and lower cost than would be possible with manual experimentation.

COVID Vaccines and Boosters Provoke Robust Immune Response

Several new research studies reported in the New York Times have demonstrated that multiple doses of a COVID vaccine elicit a durable response in most people that protects them from serious illness

JPOD @ Philadelphia: Webinar Recording

Olivia McPherson, Program Manager, JPOD@PHILADELPHIA, shares how the JPOD and Johnson & Johnson's JLABS program helps startups with life science commercialization.

Wellcome Leap Funds Penn to develop “on-demand” manufacturing technology for RNA-based vaccines

Penn Engineering secured a multi-million-dollar contract with Wellcome Leap under the organization’s $60 million RNA Readiness + Response (R3) program.

Webinar Recording: IP Trends for Emerging Penn Engineering Technologies

This webinar discusses the latest trends in intellectual property and patenting for engineers, including robotics, nanotechnology, med-tech and more

Newly discovered ‘encrypted peptides’ with antibiotic properties

A new study reports three distinct proteins in human plasma that have naturally occurring antibiotic properties. Global public health officials are concerned about the r


Success Stories

Highlights of the PCI news focused on Penn commercialization accomplishments

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