Webinar Recording: Latest Trends in Life Science Investing
PCI hosted a webinar on Septembe 13, 2021 focused on the latest trends in the venture capital landscape. The speaker was Barbara Schilberg, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of BioAdvance.
Penn to play key role in the inaugural NSF Mid-Atlantic I-Corps Hub to advance entrepreneurship and technology commercialization training
PCI is proud to announce that Penn is one of the schools chosen to participate in the National Science Foundation’s new innovative I-Corps Hub initiative.
FDA awards Neuralert Technologies Breakthrough Device designation
The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the FDA has granted the Neuralert Monitor designation as a Breakthrough Device.
Introducing the 2021 Pennovation Accelerator Eco-Impact Cohort
The 2021 Pennovation Accelerator officially launched Monday, July 12th for the program's fourth summer!
Low-cost Electrochemical Advanced Diagnostic COVID test research published in PNAS
Latest research by Penn Medicine's Cesar de la Fuente, PhD, on the low cost COVID test in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:
Webinar Recording: Tips from Early Stage Investors
Gain insight from Venture Capitalists who focus on investing in early stage University startups. Recorded on May 19, 2021.
PCI’s Managing Director leads panel discussion on Cellicon Valley with Penn Medicine faculty luminaries
On May 6th, as part of the Cellicon Valley '21 two-day event, John Swartley, Managing Director of PCI, joined Penn Medicine faculty to discuss the commercialization of CAR-T technology
Philly Tech Week: Innovation Lessons from the Frontiers of Healthcare
As part of Philly Tech Week 2021 and the Technical.ly Philly Introduced Conference, PCI and the Pennovation Center, hosted an educational webinar on the range of innovations emerging from Penn in the
Penn Emerging Startup Showcase during Philly Tech Week
As part of Philly Tech Week 2021, the Penn Center for Innovation and PACT featured pitch-length presentations from some of the most innovative startups emerging from Penn.