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Category: Startups

iECURE partners to develop next-generation liver-targeted lipid nanoparticles with Penn

iECURE announced that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with Penn to develop next-generation lipid nanoparticles (LNP) for liver gene editing applications.

Scout Bio licenses new Penn technology to help develop gene therapies for pets

Scout Bio, a Philadelphia company developing gene therapies for animal health, has licensed a new kind of technology from the Penn’s gene therapy program.

Passage Bio further expands Gene Therapy research partnership with Penn

Passage Bio has exercised two additional options for potential new drug candidates under its research collaboration with Penn's gene therapy program.

Cogwear and Rezon to make brain enhancing wearable for athletes

Strategic partnership combines the start-ups’ revolutionary technologies for brain injury reduction and cognitive performance

Celebration of Innovation 2021 Recap and Recording

The event honors the patent recipients from the previous fiscal year, as well as, those partners, inventors, and startups that made exceptional achievements.

This tech startup is helping N. Philadelphians take control of their health

The founder, Deboleena (Deb) Dutta graduated from Wharton and participated in the PCI I-Corps program with Viora Health.

I-Corps graduate, Strella Biotechnology, featured in Washington Post story

A featured story on Katherine Sizov, founder of Strella Biotechnology, and how the company's sensors are reducing food waste and fighting climate change.

Webinar Recording: Pennovation Works Resources

During this PCI webinar, Anish Kumar, the Managing Director of the Pennovation Works campus, discusses the past and future of Pennovation Works.

Webinar Recording: VC 101 for University Entrepreneurs

PCI hosted a webinar with Kirsten Leute and Margalit Haber of Osage University Partners on venture capital and investing for university entrepreneurs in the life science field

Celebrating five years of innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity

Penn Today marks the anniversary of Pennovation Works with a look at the evolution of the site, its research and commercialization achievements, and a glimpse into the future.
