PCI Year in Review 2021

Accomplishments and Highlights from July 2020 – June 2021

A Message from the Managing Director

The past fiscal year was unlike any other in the prior history of technology commercialization at the University of Pennsylvania. Despite unprecedented operational and logistical challenges caused by the impacts of the pandemic, PCI helped to facilitate a record-breaking year in terms of commercialization activity at Penn that further extends Penn’s already prodigious global technology and innovation impact.  PCI also continued its steadfast focus on increased client services through our active faculty outreach and corporate connecting efforts, virtually hosting numerous programs and stakeholder engagement activities.

We remain deeply grateful for the consistent support from Vice Provost for Research Dawn Bonnell and the rest of Penn’s executive leadership led by President Amy Gutmann and hope that our commercialization activities represent a direct reflection of her amazing tenure and legacy as Penn’s President.  As a result of the vision articulated in Dr. Gutmann’s ambitious Compact 2022, PCI, Penn, and its research and development community continue to be strongly positioned for technology commercialization and translational partnership.

John S. Swartley, PhD
Associate Vice Provost and Managing Director of the Penn Center for Innovation

John Swartley

Major Accomplishments


Facilitated the highest amount of aggregate licensing revenue at Penn in PCI’s history


Funds raised by Penn-affiliated startups, the most ever


The most patents ever issued to Penn and its faculty inventors in one year


received for industry Sponsored Research Agreements

Stats and Stories

Commercializing Innovation

Connecting Innovation


Press mentions for PCI programs, Penn spinouts and partners

Accelerating Innovation

Our Past Reports